What is Vital Vibez? What made you choose the name? How did you get on the journey you are now on?
Vital Vibez is a health & wellness company with the mission of helping individuals to become proactive in their wellness journey. Our primary focus is to help you become a better version of yourself. Using the practice of herbal remedies, meditation, and healthy eating.
The name of my company is Vital Vibez Changing Lives.
Vital – absolutely necessary or important; essential
Vibez – I love going with the flow and listening to music
Changing Lives – helping find solutions, reduce stressors and impacting individuals lives for the better
This is just a brief overview of how the name came about. I’ve discovered the journey based on my previous background. I have over a decade of pharmaceutical experience and research. I saw so many individuals that were taking an excessive amount of medication and they were not getting any better. I wanted to find a solution, so I started my journey to find healthy alternative ways to help aid and assist individuals.

Why should people be more conscious of their health?
People should be more conscious of their health because each individual life is important and should be taken more seriously. A cough could actually be signs of asthma. A cold turns into the flu/pneumonia. A child misbehaving could be a sign of autism. Learning to be more conscious of signs/symptoms could save a plethora of problems in the future.
What are the pros and possible cons of consuming herbs? Should people know about the herbs they consume before starting?
A few pros to consuming herbs are as follows: better lifestyle, weight loss, mental focus, self-love.
A few cons to consuming herbs are as follows: possible drugs interactions, lack of education around herbal remedies which causes a person not to reach out, trial and error.
Yes it’s very important that you know about any herbal supplement before using. This will help individuals to be aware of possible drug interactions, side effects, and if the product is a good alternative or not.

What should the research process be like when a person wants to begin juicing or doing herbs?
Consultation Intake form (medical history, allergies, drug list, etc.)

Your platform is all about cleansing the mind, body, and soul. What is fasting? What should a person know about fasting before they begin? What is a good beginner fast?
Fasting is a way to help cleanse the body of any unwanted toxins, aid in weight loss and mental clarity. You don’t have to be a believer in God to fast. You can receive spiritual insight doing the process when done correctly.
What an individual should know about fasting is that it’s not easy. You will fail your first few times and that’s totally okay and part of the process. You have an accountability partner that’s going to assist you along the way with Vital Vibez.
Last tip, there’s herbal supplements and other techniques to make fasting easier and still receive the same benefits. A good beginner fast is to slowly reduce the amount of calories consumed. Start removing meat, junk food, bread, and pasta slowly. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (raw or juices) and slowly reduce the consumption of non-fruits and vegetables over time.

Your platform is all about cleansing the mind, body, and soul. What is fasting? What should a person know about fasting before they begin? What is a good beginner fast?
Fasting is a way to help cleanse the body of any unwanted toxins, aid in weight loss and mental clarity. You don’t have to be a believer in God to fast. You can receive spiritual insight doing the process when done correctly.
What an individual should know about fasting is that it’s not easy. You will fail your first few times and that’s totally okay and part of the process. You have an accountability partner that’s going to assist you along the way with Vital Vibez.
Last tip, there’s herbal supplements and other techniques to make fasting easier and still receive the same benefits. A good beginner fast is to slowly reduce the amount of calories consumed. Start removing meat, junk food, bread, and pasta slowly. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (raw or juices) and slowly reduce the consumption of non-fruits and vegetables over time.
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