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What up TeeTee?!

What made you interested in government?

I’m a person all about IMPACT. I just want to make a difference in the lives of others. So after practicing corporate law and working on the Little Rock mayoral campaign in 2018, I was looking to transition to work that I was passionate about. This opportunity kind of fell in my lap, and I was honored to do work that could positively impact people’s lives on a grand scale. That’s what government/politics work meant to me, so that’s why I was interested.

Anderson Paak said: “Is it wrong to assume, if she can’t dance, she can’t hoop?” How do you feel about that? I heard you could hoop in your day…I’ve never seen you jig, though.

🤣 You know, I’ve never thought about that, but there may be some truth to it! 🤣 Let the record reflect, I CAN DO BOTH! Someone often tells me I have boogie fever because I dance so much. LOL!

You put a lot of people in Little Rock on hot yoga. What got you started? What are some things you gain from the experience?

My yoga practice started as a way to cope with anxiety and stress. I would do it to help me sleep and then to prepare myself for the day. I’d been to hot yoga a couple times but never consistently. This year, during an incredibly stressful time, I went back for my birthday and invited friends to go with me. It was the beginning of a beautifully challenging practice. 🤣 It’s been a life saver for me, so I want to share that experience with as many people as possible. I’m committed to curating experiences that elevate the lives of my people, and hot yoga is doing that mentally, spiritually, and physically.

You be in auntie mode. What makes you active in the next generation’s life the way you are? What is some game you’d give to the ones coming up behind you?

TeeTee is my FAVORITE title! I love my babies and having the opportunity to expose them to new experiences and opportunities is such a joy! I had the best auntie ever, so I’m carrying on her legacy. Mentorship in general is important to me because I’m the product of mentorship. Someone poured into me to help me get to where I am now, so I feel obligated and honored to pay it forward. I want the path to be easier and the burden to be lighter for folks coming behind me, so anything I can do to help, I’m down for it!

One of the things I tell young people is to know yourself, pursue purpose, and don’t be afraid to fail forward on your journey. God has a unique gift in each of us to impact the world, and I want to do my part to challenge young people to find that and walk unapologetically in it. Be about the verbs, and take action to be all that God has called you to be! Life is short, so maximize your output and do all you can do to enjoy this life while you can.

Further thoughts?

I’m proud of you! Keep going; keep growing! 💛